Monday, December 27, 2010


Was going to toss this, but decided to fix it instead. This is the result. Finished version to come.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Still working . . .

Still working on the Trading card set, while drawing pages, scripting, and a bout a million other things.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pics From the Brooklyn King Con 2010

Took me this long to get around to posting these very few pics I took at the King Con a couple of weeks ago. Not only was I too busy to take any more, I was too busy to actually get in any of the pics myself. Even in the YouTube footage they switched my name with Carl's. No respect I tell ya . . .

Brooklyn Cowboy at King Con - What Makes Brooklyn Awesome?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

. . .And finally.


More . . .

More . . .

Pic From NYCC 2010

Man, was this year's show exhausting and fun. I was great meeting people who have been following our work for a while, new fans, and hanging with our creative friends and colleagues. Looking at all that talent made me want to rush home to my old drawing table to work, work, WORK! So what am I doing on this blog, you ask? Posting some of the pics I took at the show (Okay, wasting time). I'll get back to work as soon as I'm done here . . .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finally . . .

Finally done with a big move, and I'm back up and running. Here are a few panels I'm inking now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rush sketch

I drew this on the back of one of the thousand or so pages I'm doing finishes on. It came out better than I expected, so I'll probably use it the card collection eventually.
More to come soon . . .

Sunday, May 2, 2010


The Bronx Heroes Comic Con up there at Hostos Community College was a lot of fun. A really nice crowd was there and my partner Cee-Kay and I had a blast doing sketches for everyone and getting to talk to fans and young aspiring artists. I'd have to say, this one and the Kids Comic Con last month have been the best time I've had all year.
Carl pencilled the hell out of the poster, . . . I supplied the inks and embellishment, and our old pal Winston Blakely knocked out the colors.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Kragg's card

I love drawing this character, but putting him in every panel of a 22 page comic would be a lotta work. Call me lazy.

Pinups . . You bet!

Here are two pieces which I've had on the back burner for a loooog time. Finally got them done, and thought I'd throw them up here. I don't do very many pinups. Designing them is a pain. If I don't have story to draw from, I never know what to do. The card set was (relatively) easy since you're kind of forced to keep things simple for something that's going to be printed that small. I like sequential work better, so you won't see many more of these.
Sienna and Casey make good cheerleaders. don't ask me where the idea came from . . I just thought it would be funny, . . . especially the old wizard in the background.
Big Z (formerly ZETA before that weak WB cartoon came out. But who remembers that?) is done in a style different from my normal one . It's an experiment you probably won't ever see when the book comes out, but I like it even though I penciled it in '08.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Big Z Pencils

Here's another piece done for our impending trading card set. It's been a good way to loosen up and get away from straight storytelling art for a short while. This is just the pencil version. Wearing many hats while trying to produce your own comic production (penciller, inker, colorist, designer, etc.), I love just creating the raw art the most. If I could chuck the computer, markers inks and all, and simply draw all the time, I probably would. Oh well . . .

Friday, April 2, 2010

Finished Trading Card Art

Here's the finished art for the promotional trading cards I posted last time. I would have loved to color these . . . I also wish there were 40 hours in a day. I got this great colorist Julian Juarez (check him out at JULIXCOMICS) to do the job, and was astounded by how much I liked another artist colors on my stuff.