Here are two pieces which I've had on the back burner for a loooog time. Finally got them done, and thought I'd throw them up here. I don't do very many pinups. Designing them is a pain. If I don't have story to draw from, I never know what to do. The card set was (relatively) easy since you're kind of forced to keep things simple for something that's going to be printed that small. I like sequential work better, so you won't see many more of these.
Sienna and Casey make good cheerleaders. don't ask me where the idea came from . . I just thought it would be funny, . . . especially the old wizard in the background.
Big Z (formerly ZETA before that weak WB cartoon came out. But who remembers that?) is done in a style different from my normal one . It's an experiment you probably won't ever see when the book comes out, but I like it even though I penciled it in '08.